
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

More double standards

This evening's CBC Radio news is a prime example of why radios should have spit guards.

Just minutes after the Hon. — and that use is pro forma here — Danny Williams, LL.B., Q.C. waxed outraged, bizarrely outraged, verging on unbalancedly outraged about Max Ruelokke, Mr. Justice Halley, and other Enemies of the People, the Hon. Tom Rideout, LL.B., explained that the decision not to grant a groundfish license to Ramea was made — get this! — by an arms-length body independent of government, and government couldn't overturn it.

Now wait a minute... doesn't that sound suspiciously like how Max Ruelokke got his job in the first place?

Either there is hope for Max Ruelokke (arms-length decisions like the Ramea one can't be overturned by government) or there is hope for Ramea (arms-length decisions like the Ruelokke one can be overturned by government or the court), but there cannot be hope for both.

Not at the same time in the same universe, anyway.


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