
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Please pee on my rug

Once again, Danny Williams Administration NewfoundlandLabrador has reduced its role, as a sovereign government with sovereign powers within provincial heads of jurisdiction, to that of another interest group going to Ottawa looking for cash:
“This work will provide us with a solid foundation on which to move forward with the restoration of the Colonial Building and the development of an innovative approach to interpreting the province’s fascinating political history,” added Minister Hedderson. “To that end, a request will be made to our federal counterparts for a contribution of funding for this very important project.”
Colonial Building is owned by the provincial government. It is under provincial jurisdiction.

It is increasingly clear that no front is too small in the Battle to Blame Canada. For everything. Rest assured, that this, like the Labrador highway, like the Mealy Mountain auditorium, like any of a couple dozen other Blame Canada irons smouldering quietly away in the Blame Canada fire, is placed there to hold in reserve for the next round of Blame Canada sabre-rattling rah-rah jingoistic PWG-waving hysteria that the Chairman may wish to whip up when the time — and the polling figures — suit.

“They won't give use the money to [FILL IN BLANK]. Are we even really part of Canada? Victoria to Halifax! Our fair share! Down with the causeway!”

Which makes it all the more obvious that Chairman Dan has not yet received the memo from the party he supported, and which he exhorted all his Comrade-Citizens to support, in the last two federal elections. For his benefit, it is excerpted here, from this source:
When governments are good at the things they need to do, everyone benefits. Making governments more focused on the things they need to do well will improve services and help build a climate for the overall economy to perform better. Advantage Canada will:
  • Restore fiscal balance by limiting federal spending power
    In restoring fiscal balance, Canada’s New Government is committed to limiting the use of the federal spending power and focusing new spending in areas of federal responsibility.

    Canada’s New Government is committed to restoring fiscal balance. The result will be a principle-based transfer system, with a clearer delineation of responsibilities among different orders of government, and with greater overall efficiency for governments and enhanced accountability for citizens.

    To this end, the Government is committed to:

    • Limiting the use of the federal spending power.
    In all the talk about fixing the supposed “fiscal imbalance”, Premiers heard what they wanted to hear. Those who wanted to hear “huzzah! we'll be getting more cash from Ottawa”... well, that's what they heard.

    The real message in the “fix the fiscal imbalance” message may have been a little more subtle, and a lot less palatable to those provinces who view their role as bringing home not only their own-source bacon, but transfer-payment bacon and general federal program spending bacon as well.

    Already, the federal Tories have used variations of this theme, that they won't “intrude” on areas of provincial jurisdiction, to justify everything from the failure to live up to political highway promises in New Brunswick, to the dismantling of federal literacy programs.

    What are the odds that the federal Conservatives would look favourably on Hedderson's request, even if — and yes, this is a foreign concept to those who may be reading in Confederation Building — even if there were a program, voted by Parliament, with a design approved by Treasury Board, for that request to be directed to in a formal application?

    Chairman, Hedderson, and the rest: don't say you didn't know.


    At 8:13 PM, November 27, 2006 , Blogger WJM said...

    Please give me a break. NS&Cape Breton and NB&Acadia went to the feds for funding for a private company Bay Ferries so it could be subsidized 4 million to keep running when the feds have put 400 million into the 4 lane divided Highway system between those two provinces and into the US.

    Have you been paying attention?

    Read Flaherty's fiscal update.

    Then re-read it.

    Then read it again.

    IMO if the feds want to benefit from our resources by having a 50% say and 50% royalties

    They federal government gets 0% royalties, not 50%.

    The provincial government gets 100% of the royalties.

    as well as 8.5% ownership in NL's offshore oil and gas

    The federal government bought - they didn't "get" - an 8.5% stake in one of the offshore projects, namely, Hibernia.

    the least they could do is contribute towards a piece of NL heritage.

    Seriously: read what Flaherty had to say.

    The days of buck-passing to the federal government are about to be over.

    When the feds shouldn't ahve any direct say or benefit from a provinces resources.

    The feds don't. The feds have no say over provincial resources, and no direct benefit from them.

    For all of the tax benefits and loans OTT has given towards the development of the tar sands and no ownership because resources are supposed to be a provincial responsibility

    Which tar sands project would only have been saved by direct federal equity positions?

    If tax benefits or loans had been the only way to pull Hibernia out of the fire, don't you think that's what John Crosbie would have done?

    At 11:33 PM, November 27, 2006 , Blogger WJM said...

    nl-expatriate, you were warned.



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