
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ray Shillin'

Ray Dillon, the Nelson Muntz to Danny Williams' Andy Williams, writes, in a letter to the - spit - Toronto Globe and Mail today:
Danny Williams was vilified by the national media for not accepting the initial deal. His reason? He had promised the people of his province that he would not continue the tradition of giving away resources without optimizing the return. Fast forward a year: Oil prices remain high, proponents of the Hebron project continue to deliver great value to their shareholders, and Newfoundland continues on its path to fiscal independence. What better time to find a fair middle ground for sanctioning this deal.
While Mr. Williams was sharply criticized for his negotiating style, I find it refreshing to witness a politician who actually keeps his word.
That would be the same politician who promised:
No secret negotiations, no secret documents. If the people know the country will be safe, and they have a right to know. They need to know the details on major negotiations of a $50 billion resource. They have a right to know. Why should it be kept secret?... With regard to negotiations, it is the position of this Opposition that there should not be negotiations in secret, especially on major matters, especially on Voisey’s Bay.


At 9:44 PM, August 23, 2007 , Blogger nadinebc said...

no those details won't be release until after the election.


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