
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Newest, coolest

For such a new, cool, province, Danny Williams' hand-picked campaign theme song sure exhibits a nasty case of same-oldness:
Now when others take and condescend we will wink and nod no more

We can list mistakes it's true, this ain't 'once upon a time'

But with poisoned tongue and attitude, and a sharp and clever mind*

We are tired of thinking small, dancing someone else's dance
You and I can make the difference, stop your 'more for me please' rants
'Cause if we don't stand together, then we don't stand a chance

Will the 'haves' who finally conquer, thank the 'have nots' in their graves? (chorus)

Tell naïve patronizers the whole truth, they need it most

'Cause it's now or never, we've been pulled apart forever
If we'd only pull together, all for home now, lend a hand

There are layers upon layers upon layers of psychoanalysis in that one. But that's our Danny: an overcompensation, wrapped in a neurosis, inside an inferiority complex.

Why does Danny need to "fight" all the time? What are "we" fighting for, anyway?

* "poisoned tongue and attitude"?


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