
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Past tense!

Dianne Whalen manages to issue a press release that uses the phrase "Provincial Government" instead of you-know-what. But she also cleverly uses Our Dear Hackneyed Phrase, in the past tense no less:
In regards to the Trans Labrador Highway (TLH), Minister Whalen points out that the Provincial Government went it alone to start the widening and hard-surfacing of Phase I of the TLH last summer.
She says that like it's a bad thing. Not that long ago, another minister of Roads and Happiness was using the phrase like it's a good thing.

In any event, given that the vast majority of funding that has ever gone into the TLH has come from federal coffers, isn't it about time that the province went it alone, at least a little?

While Dianne Whalen is at it: how much of the money that W.G. has spent on the TLH since 2004, inclusive, came from the Labrador Transportation Initiative Fund? How much of W.G.'s "going it alone" has been done with federal-source dollars? Inquiring minds...


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