
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Transparency rides again

When the current PC leader appointed Len Simms, former PC leader and campaign chair, as chair and CEO of Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation — or as it's taken to calling itself in a fit of institutional sycophancy, NewfoundlandLabradorHousing — there were important facts lefts out of the announcement.

Like the fact that his term, conveniently enough, ended right before the next provincial election.

When he "resigned", or his term "expired", depending on who you believe is telling the truth and who is a big fat liar, to return to his old job of running PC election campaigns, another fact was conveniently left out: that he'd get his old job back right away, as soon as that pesky little business of getting the fixed election out of the way was over.

All documented here.

Now we learn, thanks to the Western Star, that Mr. Simms, like so many very generous current and former (Progressive) Conservative politicans, donates his government pension to charity.

Correction: he continues to donate that pension to charity.

Oddly, though, you glean none of this important information from Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation's — oops, NewfoundlandLabradorHousing's — own press releases, which haven't been updated in half a year anyway.

Why not?


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