
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Confuter traduced

On a cool, clear night, cool and clear like the night they bludgeoned Allegory to death and buried its twitching corps out on the Bauline Line, with Sirius blazing away over the southern horizon, and a hint to the east that moonrise is imminent, if you turn your ears to the north, and listen carefully, you can hear Agnes Noseworthy and Gus Etchegary proving Russel Wangersky's point in spectacular and convincing fashion.

Who's next up? Minnie? A cabinet minister? O.D.P. himself?

The traducer must be confuted. Wangersky isn't even a Newfoundand name, is it?

And when Gus Etchegary declares, before Linda finally gets to the first of her overdue breaks, "this is not the end of this!", there are no quarrels from this corner: we'll never hear the end of this.

Who knows, by the end of the week, the same people who believe that Bill Lankoff of the Toronto Sun, Charles Lynch of the Ottawa Citizen, and Ric Dolphin of the Calgary Herald wrote for the Globe and Mail — all those mainlanders look alike, anyway — will believe the same of Russell Wangersky.


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