
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How English We Are, Cheerio, Pip-Pip!

Jolly good! Yet another cleverly colour-coded map, this time showing the percentage of people, by census division, who counted "English" as their ethnic origin (or one of their multiple ethnic origins.)

The province overall scored 43.2% on the Boy Are We Ever English scale.

CDs 10 (rest of Labrador), and the southern swath of Newfoundland from the Burin Peninsula to Port au Port, ranged in the high 30%s and low 40%s for English ethnic self-identification.

45% or more of census respondents considered themselves to be ethnically English or partly-English throughout the entire northern half of Newfoundland, and in that ever-so-English metropolis... St. John's.

Just a nudge under half (48.4%) of the population of Census Division 9, the Northern Peninsula, count English as their sole or one of their multiple ethnic origins.

Only in the Avalon Peninsula outside St. John's (34.8%) and Nunatsiavut (19.7%) was the English-as-ethnic-origin percentage less than 35%.

So, how about that trade mission to Devon, or the cultural exchange with Hampshire?


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