
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Truth

From Earl McCurdy's sadly-still-not-online-as-audio interview with the CBC Fishcast, on March 7th, on the issue of the infamous, and apocryphal, "Union Boat", when asked where the "Union Boat" story originated:
I think where it comes from is the kind of "open line mentality" that rules the roost in Newfoundland and Labrador these days that, as a substitute for information, we're bombarded with open line shows where people, essentially, get on and say whatever they like without any real check as to whether it's fact or fabrication. And you get people with an axe to grind for some particular reason, or you get an ex-politician who misses the limelight, or whatever the hell it is, and people go on and kind of make stuff up, and it just keeps getting repeated and repeated like, like, what was the guy, the German guy, Goebels, the Big Lie, you just keep saying something often enough and people assume it must be true.


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