
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Put the politics on ice

This ten-para monstrosity, which drops the names of politicians as often as it drops the name of the player — who, for the record, is Danny Cleary — was bad enough.

But Come. Right. Off. It.:
"As Newfoundlanders, we have to fight for every inch of everything that we get," Harbour Grace mayor Don Coombs said.
Like, what, Your Worship? You mean to say that all the Quebecers, and Manitobans, and Michiganders, and Finns, who have ever been on a Stanley Cup team, have just had the big shiny thing handed to them or something?

Cleary, and his teammates — just like curling, hockey would appear to be a team sport — won their league's championship the same way that every team before them did.

Yeah, they "fought" for it. No quotas, no fair shares, no our turn.


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