
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In which Joan Burke totally misses or mis-states the point

Joan Burke buys, cracks open, and downs a whole crate of Stupid™ and goes before the mic. From her scrum (why not the Premier's? - ed.) this afternoon:
These anonymous sources, who won’t identify themselves to the media, are out speaking on behalf of this government, and they certainly don’t know what they’re talking about. The search process is continuing, and I expect it will continue until we find the appropriate leadership that we need for Memorial University.
1. Those nefarious anonymous sources would appear to identify themselves to the media; even if the media then, in turn, wouldn't identify them to their respective audiences. Now, Joan, ask yourself: why would any such source insist on anonymity, in Open and Accountable Newfoundland Labrador where Danny Williams insists that there is no climate of fear or atmosphere of intimidation?

2. No, Joan, they are not speaking on behalf of the government, nor pretending to. Yes, it may be hard to comprehend this, but — follow closely here — every now and then someone will speak against the government. Shocking, yes, to some, but true.



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