
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pattern announcing

Jerome! Kennedy, in a press release ostensibly issued by him on Friday as Minister of Finance, but which is curiously posted solely to Executive Council's credit without being cross-posted to Finance at all:
"Our government recognizes the valuable contribution that all of our public employees make to our province, including our health care professionals," said Minister Kennedy. "...On behalf of Premier Williams and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, I would like to thank AAHP president Patti O’Keefe and the AAHP negotiating teams for their professionalism throughout the bargaining process."
Jerome! Kennedy, in a press release ostensibly issued by him on Monday as Minister of Finance, but which is curiously posted solely to Executive Council's credit without being cross-posted to Finance at all:
"On behalf of Premier Williams and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, I am pleased that we have reached a tentative agreement with our province’s teachers that recognizes the important role they play, and I would like to thank NLTA president Sean Noah and the NLTA negotiating teams for their professionalism throughout the bargaining process."
Curiouser still: Mr. Executive Council used to always appoint Himself Grand Marshall of these Labour Peace In Our Time announcements.

Where's Danny?



At 7:37 PM, December 16, 2008 , Blogger Steve said...

I wonder, did the teachers capitulate and bow to the two demands of our ODP and ODJ? Mr. Noah seemed to hint that maybe they did.

At 8:05 PM, December 16, 2008 , Blogger Steve said...

Good one on VOCM web page there Wallace James. ODJ is in Sask looking for moneys from the Feds to help with a transmission line to the Island on to the lucrative NE states. Remember the go it alone trick? Yup, the Govmunt of NL is definitely going it alone.


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