
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Sycophant of the Month: November 2008

Total number of ProvGov press releases issued in November: 123 (-51 from October)

Total number with the phrase "Williams Government": 2 (-4 from October.)

Sycophancy index: 1.6% (-1.8% from October)

You'd almost think, given the startling paucity not just of Williams-Government press releases, but of press releases, period, that Danny Williams-Government isn't having nearly as much Premiery fun as he used to be.

You'd really be inclined to think so when you consider that, at least at the start of the month, we were celebrating Our Dear Have Status and planning Our Dear Party for March 31st, 2009.

And, when you consider that November is when CRA was in the field for its quarterly report, well, you'd pretty well clinch it.

Why the long face, DW-G? Get your pecker up! [The Britishism is "keep your pecker up" — ed.]

It was three weeks into November before Jerome Kennedy broke a 25-day scoring drought and put in a Williams-Government.

It took almost another week for Dianne Whalen to match it.

And that was it. It was the lowest-scoring month since May 2006, which was the last time that a month went by without any Danny Williams-Governmentiness at all.

So, for the second time in five months, two ministers share the podium; and for the third time in seven months Dianne Whalen, this time along with Jerome Kennedy, earns the title Sycophant of the Month. Congratulations, Ministers!



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