
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Two-time sycophant of the year, factually-challenged Education Minister, claims:

"Up until now, there has been no course specifically geared toward issues affecting Newfoundland and Labrador," said the Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education.

A factual inexactitude, an exaggeration, but certainly not a fib, that is almost instantly rebutted by those Telegram website visitors who, you know, can actually remember stuff:

Mark from ON writes: I still have my textbook from Cultural Heritage 1201, a compulsory course in grade ten.

PJ from NL writes: I graduated in 1990, and in Grade 10 we did a course called Newfoundland Culture. It was mandatory in order to graduate. So this statement by Joan Burke (Up until now, there has been no course specifically geared toward issues affecting Newfoundland and Labrador.) is erroneous.

ndintoronto from ON writes: I graduated from high school in 1993, at which time Cultural Heritage was a required Level I course.


At 9:31 PM, January 07, 2009 , Blogger Geoff Meeker said...

For the last few years, my boys have been learning a great deal about Newfoundland history in social studies and history. I know because I am doing the review with them, for tests. And there is plenty of talk about "issues".

Why does Burke have to lie? The course sounds like it would be newsworthy enough, without the BS.

At 9:52 AM, January 08, 2009 , Blogger babe in boyland said...

burke has to lie because lies are necessary when you are rewriting history, as the williams government is. before danny williams, newfoundlanders were cowardly dupes governed by weak duplicitous sell-outs. newfoundlanders were ashamed of themselves and their birthplace.

but danny changed everything. newfoudlanders are now brave and smart because they are led by a strong, straight-talking no-more-giveaway guy. they are proud and determined and can`t wait to come back home to newfoundland because there are picturesque clotheslines and majestic cliffs.

THAT is why burke has to lie. to re-inforce, like any good propagandist, that nothing good ever happened before danny williams became premier. not even a newfoundland history course.


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