
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

La faute du provincial

A bunch of politicians are looking for $2-billion for highways and other infrastructure that would connect Labrador to the rest of the country.

Nope. Not those politicians. Not even from that province. Radio-Canada reports:

Les élus de la région réclament donc 2 milliards de dollars pour le développement du réseau routier:

  • 600 millions pour raccorder la 138 à la route translabradorienne;
  • 600 millions pour la mise aux normes de la 389, qui relie Baie-Comeau aux villes minières;
  • 800 millions pour la construction d'un pont sur le fjord du Saguenay, qui relie la Côte-Nord au reste du Québec.

(The region's elected officials are asking for $2-billion for the development of the highway system:

  • $600-million to link route 138 to the Trans-Labrador Highway;
  • $600-million for improvements to route 389, which links Baie-Comeau to the mining towns [of Fermont, Labrador City, and Wabush]
  • $800-million for the construction of a bridge across the Saguenay fjord, linking the North Shore to the rest of Quebec.)

And here's the really wacky part: they're not "advancing" their "proposal" to the federal government.



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