
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Where's Lisa Moore?

Russell Wangersky — he's not even one of the Newfoundland Wangerskies — makes a good case for a Lisa Moore sequel.



At 10:01 PM, March 16, 2009 , Blogger Liam said...

Sir, the only thing worse than local nationalists idolizing Iceland are local federalists jumping with glee over Iceland's economic crisis as a way to disprove the merits of independence. It is devoid of logic, and a tad petty.

Wangersky comes close but then misses the point completely. The only lesson to be learned here for the nationalists is "Do not emulate the peculiarities of Icelandic banking policy in an independent Newfoundland".

There are plenty of reasons, as you've noted, as to why the NL-Iceland comparison doesn't work as smoothly as some would suggest. There are also plenty of reasons against Newfoundland (with or without Labrador) becoming independent.

It's not clear how the current financial/economic crisis in Iceland fits in to this discussion at all.

At 11:04 PM, March 16, 2009 , Blogger WJM said...

Sir, the only thing worse than local nationalists idolizing Iceland are local federalists jumping with glee over Iceland's economic crisis as a way to disprove the merits of independence. It is devoid of logic, and a tad petty.

Who's doing that?

For my part, I'm not jumping with glee over Iceland's economic crisis as a way to disprove the merits of independence.

I'm jumping with glee over a way to disprove the supposed merits of the fatuous and interminable comparisons to Iceland.

At 1:53 AM, March 17, 2009 , Blogger Liam said...

Yes but the lack of validity of any NL-Iceland comparison is almost self-evident. Again, how does the current crisis in Iceland contribute to that debate? Beyond "don't emulate Icelandic banking policy" and "be careful what you wish for", it doesn't. Wangersky doesn't answer that question because it's enough to him that he read the words "cod" and "energy" in a New Yorker column.

You can not deny that this crisis helps dent the nationalist cause for equally "fatuous and interminable" reasons, and that a group of local journalists and bloggers have been jumping all over this issue without recognizing the irony.

At 12:05 PM, March 17, 2009 , Blogger WJM said...

Yes but the lack of validity of any NL-Iceland comparison is almost self-evident.

Apparently, it isn't, given how often it is (ryanclearfisheriesbroadcastPWGsetdannywilliams) made.


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