
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just so everyone's clear, here (II)

According to the latest David Cochrane CBC radio report on the St. Barbe affair – sadly, not (yet?) online – former president of the PC Party, Paul Reynolds, who is now Chief Electoral Officer, has justified, at least in part, his decision not to investigate the 2001 by-election because – paraphrasing Cochrane’s paraphrase of Reynolds – the people of the district have twice seen fit to re-elect the MHA who was first elected in that by-election.

Memo to all past, as yet-undetected, violators of the Elections Act, and to all future violators of the Elections Act (at least while former president of the PC Party, Paul Reynolds, holds the job): as long as you win, it’s OK to cheat.

Go big or go home.

However, former president of the PC Party, Paul Reynolds, has yet to clarify whether this rule — call it the Reynolds Rule — would still apply in a case where the MHA was re-elected twice by voters who knew, before they voted, of a potential breach of the Elections Act.

Seriously: Just when you think Dannystan couldn't get any more Dannystani, it does. AGAIN!



At 7:57 PM, April 20, 2009 , Blogger Winston Smith said...

What's the voting threshold for invoking Dangovt's Reynolds Rule?

According to CBC, "Tory Wally Young won the race by 23 votes."

Are we to assume, then, that the Reynolds Rule applies only to landslide victories of 20 or more votes?


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