
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Really, now, no shooting

So, after four o'clock on a Friday afternoon, the Department of Health and Community Services drops this spectacular nugget of poop.

Which led the Ministry of Truth (Provincial) to infotorialize:

In a move much like one criticised by government a few months ago, the province has released information in a late Friday afternoon news release without making anyone available for comment. Health Minister Paul Oram, who has been taking the brunt of criticism for cutting lab and x-ray services in Lewisporte, and Flower's Cove, is shifting the burden on Central Health.
And the Ministry of Truth (Federal) to note:

After the letters were released late Friday afternoon, a Health Department spokesperson told CBC news the health minister has no further comment at this time.

And His Worship, the suburban mayor and PNC-spouting radio gabfest host, to take a swipe at the press release that started it all. In his column (not online) in Saturday's edition of a certain Quebec-controlled daily newspaper whose title rhymes with Smellogram, Randy Simms writes:

There are six paragraphs, and a misleading headline, which reads, "Province assessing laboratory and X-ray services." It gives no indication that services will be curtailed for anyone.

For the record, this is what Himself had to say back in April, when Eastern Health employed, well, pretty much the same PR strategy:

But, y’know, when Eastern Health comes out on, late on, Idon’tknowwhattimeitwas, late on a Friday afternoon, and puts a heading out that’s misleading with regard to the real content of what the release is all about, and then says there’s nobody there to comment on it, it’s disgraceful, they should be shot over that… It’s not something that you on the tail end of a Friday afternoon, with nobody ready to stand up and answer the questions…
The Word of Our Dan. (May His Preternaturally Thick Hair Always Be Perfectly Parted.)

Now, for the love of Danny, put down the gun.

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