
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Likey speechy? (III)

Our Dear Premier went to Calgary last week — the one in Alberta — and uttered nearly as many words before the Calgary Chamber of Commerce as he has so far in the fall sitting of the House of Assembly.

Don’t bother going to Our Dear Speeches section of Our Dear Website. Liz hasn’t bothered to publish Our Dear Speech there, but she did make sure that Calgary journalists like Licia Corbella got copies of the prepared text.

ODP told his audience of Calgary hats:

I have said many times before that my province and our people do not wish anything less for our sister provinces and territories than success and prosperity. Nor do we have a desire to unfairly pit provinces and territories against one another. Nor do we begrudge federal government largesse to other jurisdictions.
Now, it’s hard to square that statement in Our speech from other statements in the same speech in which We, well, We begrudge federal government largesse to other jurisdictions, but only those named Quebec. But, taking Our Word at its value, the Calgary speech represents a refreshing change in Our Dear Attitude towards “largesse” from five years ago:

Apparently the Premier complained that money given to the 2010 vancouver-Whistler Olympics represents a case of other provinces being treated better than Newfoundland and Labrador.



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