
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Train 'em early (VI): Clayton Forsey

Fast-forwarding now to December 5, 2005, we meet our first by-elected newbie, Clayton Forsey. The Great Businessman theme by now would appear to have been ditched entirely:
Mr. Speaker, I also take this opportunity to thank the people who made up that incredible team, from my campaign manager, chief financial officer, the people who managed the headquarters, signage people, poll captains, including the people who went door-to-door with me day and night throughout the Exploits District for three weeks.

Mr. Speaker, to say thank you hardly seems fitting, but these people told me many times that they would do it again because they believed in this government, they believed in our leader, Premier Danny Williams, and that they believed in me.


Mr. Speaker, I am excited about the opportunity to participate in the management and growth of future opportunities for Newfoundland and Labrador, and believe that this proactive approach, under the direction of our leader, Premier Williams, will result in long-term sustainable benefits for the people of this Province.

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