
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Meanwhile, over in Ontario:
The Opposition is accusing Ontario's Liberal government of wasting $1 million to mail out pamphlets explaining why electricity rates are rising so high.

The government began mailing out a six-page pamphlet to every Ontario home this week as part of its pre-election campaign to defuse voter anger over soaring hydro bills.
What are these "so high" rates "soaring" to? Why, let's consult the controversial pamphlet and find out for ourselves! This chart is from page four of the document:
"Time of use" rate pricing is designed to distribute the generation demand more evenly throughout the day, and, in particular, to knock down the weekday peaks that force Ontario to have much higher generating capacity (or import juice) that is not otherwise needed during most of the day. Much like some cities' peak-period transit pricing, there is a combination of carrot (cheaper energy outside of peak) and stick (more expensive during peak) aimed at changing customer behavior. Ontario, like many other energy jurisdictions, has been slow in coming to the realisation that it's cheaper to save electricity, and thereby save the bother and expense of producing and distributing it, than it is to let demand run away without fetters.

Negawatts, as they are called, are cheaper than megawatts.

Note the levels that the "so-high" rates are "soaring" to: 9.9 cents/kWh during peak pricing.

5.1 cents during off-peak hours, in the evening, overnight, and early morning weekdays, and on weekends.

Those are the residential retail prices.

The Super-Geniuses of Nalcor will be wholesaling their juice in a conveniently captive and non-competitive Newfoundland market for nearly triple the proposed Ontario off-peak retail price, and more than 50% above the proposed peak-period disincentive rates.

Danny Williams is a Great Businessman.™



At 3:44 PM, February 13, 2011 , Blogger Edward Hollett said...

Is there a separate transmission charge as there is in the US? That would make the gross cost much higher.

Still, though, it is pretty obvious that the LC proposal as it is currently configured only makes financial sense of you force domestic consumers to bear all the cost and then give breaks to people outside the province.

That is, in effect, the same basic result that came out of the 1969 contract although it certainly wasn't the intention back then.

It seems to be the intention today.

How very odd that some people still support it. Must be like the lie that Danny didn't take a salary. Some people keep repeating even though the truth is widely known.

At 4:33 PM, February 13, 2011 , Blogger Unknown said...

We moved back to the province in 2000 ,we live on ten acres , grow our own food basically , use wood as our main source of fuel . I guess you could say we have a low carbon footprint , yet within those 10 years and with minimum usage our hydro bill has doubled .


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